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Before the Internet: A Hack-less Life
A reflection on techonology of the '80s, how it has progressed, and the dark side of these advances...with perhaps a glimmer of hope.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Before the Internet: A Return to the Comic Shop
Much like the library and used bookstore, the comic shop promised limitless worlds of exploration and wonder.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Entertainment Overload
Why can't I decide what movie I should watch tonight, and why does this frustration seem to stem from something deeper?
Candy Corn Apocalypse
5 min read

The Wrong Side of the Yard Sale
Have you ever found yourself on the wrong side of a yard sale? What things have you sold that you wish you hadn’t?
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Before the Internet: Cassette Tape Radio Stations
A look back at the limitless fun of recording our own fake radio station onto cassette tape.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

The Adult World of Daytime Television
You're a kid, home sick from school, and there's nothing on TV...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Reclaiming the Past
A trip back to rediscover the toys and games of our past that help us reconnect with our childhood.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Surviving the Long Cold Winter: Part III
With the ho-ho-ho happiness of holiday warmth behind us, I list some nostalgic '80s movies to keep us warm this winter.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Summer Storms and Halloween Vibes
The hot days of summer stacked themselves upon my sweaty back like flapjacks straight off the griddle.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

The Importance of Pocket Change
Being enterprising little punks, my brother, friends, and I had a number of different ways to put a bit more change in our pockets.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

The Ice Cream Truck: Fat Frog
In this series, I’ll pick one item from the ice cream truck to discuss in every article. What’ll it be today?
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

My Top Five “Top Five '80s Topics”
Since I’m a sarcastic chap, rather than take this knowledge to heart, I wrote an article cataloging my top five "top five '80s topics."
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Before the Internet: Rocks
Whatever the reason, as a kid I would become embroiled in the strangest hobbies and pastimes. One of the most peculiar was...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Reconciling the Present with Nostalgia
Whatever the event, the whole idea was to weave in as much ‘80s and ‘90s ephemera as possible. You know the drill. Break out the NES...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

The Ice Cream Truck: Push-Up Pops
In this series, I’ll pick one item from the ice cream truck to discuss in every article. What’ll it be today?
Candy Corn Apocalypse
2 min read

Summer is Almost Here
When I was a kid, I knew exactly when summer began. It started the very moment I stepped out of my school on the last day of class.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

This Day in 1980-Something: Easter Edition
If you’re counting—and you totally should be—this is my third article related to Easter since I started writing for the 80sXchange.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Top Five Things: Easter in the 1980s
After writing about the Great Cadbury Creme Egg Caper of 1982, I started thinking about all the other fond memories I have of Easter ...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

The Mailbox: Kool-Aid Wacky Warehouse
When I was younger, I believed the mailbox was magic. The Mailman was a blue-collar Santa, and my mailbox was Santa’s bag.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

This Day in 1980-something: The Oscars, TV Listings, Nintendo, and More.
As the world (or maybe just Twitter) spent the past few days talking about a grown man slapping another grown man...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read
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