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Batty Zabella: A New Horror Point and Click Adventure for Gameboy - Review and Unboxing Video
Read my full review of Batty Zabella, a new horror point and click adventure for the Gameboy. A review plus unboxing video and pictures.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

The Mailbox: Video Game Mailers
A look at some random video game mail I received as a kid, including letters from Nintendo, Acclaim newsletters, and more.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Before the Internet: Board Games
A stroll down memory lane, perusing the '80s toy store board game aisle. TMNT, VCR games, Mouse Trap, and more.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Entertainment Overload
Why can't I decide what movie I should watch tonight, and why does this frustration seem to stem from something deeper?
Candy Corn Apocalypse
5 min read

The Retro Roundup: Limited Run Games and The Retro Room
A roundup of "new" retro video game releases from Limited Run Games and The Retro Room, including Maniac Mansion on the NES.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

The Wrong Side of the Yard Sale
Have you ever found yourself on the wrong side of a yard sale? What things have you sold that you wish you hadn’t?
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

My Retro Game Collection
A look back at my retro game collection as I catalog my list in a digital app called Gameye.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Reclaiming the Past
A trip back to rediscover the toys and games of our past that help us reconnect with our childhood.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

A Rewarding Article
A funny thing happened a moment ago. I was cruising along on Slickdeals, and I stumbled across the Playmobil Back to the Future DeLorean
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

The Mailbox: Sweepstakes
While I seized every opportunity to receive mail of any kind, my favorite activity was also the least likely to pay out: Sweepstakes.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Retro News: Bat Boglins Presale
The ‘80s were a goldmine of epic toys, so much so that I only had the opportunity to own and play with a select few...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
2 min read

Internet Archive: Nintendo Power Magazine
I don’t know many retro junkies that don’t have at least a fleeting interest in video games.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Before the Internet: The NES
But even as I grow older and continue to play newer and newer consoles, my love of that old gray box has never lessened.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

The Mailbox: Kool-Aid Wacky Warehouse
When I was younger, I believed the mailbox was magic. The Mailman was a blue-collar Santa, and my mailbox was Santa’s bag.
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Before the Internet: Street Games
Street games is the catchall name for a series of activities my friends and I used to engage in during those long summer months...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
4 min read

Retro-graphic Evidence: Sanctum Sanctorum
A child’s bedroom is their Sanctum Sanctorum. A holy place. Literally, the holy of holies. This might sound like an exaggeration, but...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Available for Preorder Now!
Like so many other kids, I was addicted to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade. While not quite as pervasive as Street Fighter II...
Candy Corn Apocalypse
3 min read
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